As it is well known, the AGNODIKI 2020 exercise was postponed due to the emergency on the island of Samos. The exercise will take place on 17-18 / 2/2021 under the code name AGNODIKI 2021.

The AGNODIKI 2021 exercise will be carried out according to the new organizational chart of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum and according to the new structure of the Reception and Identification Service (RIS), a fact that significantly differentiates it in its architectural structure in relation to AGNODIKI 2020.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Control and Command Room of the exercise will be located at the Headquarters of the Ministry for Migration and Asylum, while the participating players and in particular: the 32 camps of RIS, the new operational Directorates of RIS (North Greece and North Greece) , the new Directorate of RIS for Administrative Support, the National Operational Centers of Armed Forces, Police, Fire Corps, EODY, GSCP, the Coordination Units of the International Organizations EASO, UN HCR, IOM, DRC, ASB, will participate from their Headquarters. In total, ~450 participants, in 50 different locations will consist of the AGNODIKI 2021.

You can follow the script and all the developments by following us on Facebook AGNODIKI2021, on Τwitter AGNODIKI2021, on Instagram AGNODIKI2021 where you can already find exercise material.

Exercise AGNODΙKI 2021 is the first historical exercise of M-Ss with the exclusive theme of emergency management in places of residence of asylum seekers.

You can also participate as an observer by visiting the website of the exercise AGNODIKI 2021 -

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